Making sites convert awesome-ly!
Optin Monster has great lead generation tools. It integrates with any website by adding a line of code to the site, and is controlled from an Opt-In Monster control panel.
Popovers, lead boxes, exit intent triggers.
Triggering; signup forms, surveys, coupon codes.
There are many features. Here are the fundamentals.
Exit Intent
When a user goes to exit the screen, to close tab or window, a message pops up.
2. Timed Popover
On a timer trigger, a popover fills the screen or part of it.
3. Link or image ‘flip’
As soon as a link or image is browsed, a popover triggers.
4. Welcome Gate
Upon entry, whole page becomes an offer.
5. Floating Bars
Bars appear and/or stick to top or bottom of page.
6. Polite Scroll Boxes
As user scrolls to a certain point, a box appears bottom right.
7. Inline Forms (blogs)
Get opt-ins from blog posts: lead magnets within articles.
8. Sidebar Forms
Get users signing up from your sidebar with attractive lead boxes.
All of these methods work.
Some people worry it’s too aggressive, or lacks class… done properly at the right trigger points, we fundamentally disagree… the numbers speak for themselves, across all industries.
Remember, you are offering visitors something they will find useful.
If you have any questions contact your account manager who will be glad to help.
Any comments or anything we missed? Comment below.